Frequently Asked Questions



What s LOL Families? 

LOL Families is an inclusive, secular, LGBTQIA+ affirming cooperative for all ages held in person every Thursday at Eagle Lake Park and with additional classes available online throughout the week. We welcome children of all ages and enjoy an active and loving community.  We are a zero tolerance community in that we will allow no bullying, harassment, discrimination or violence of any kind.


Who can attend?

LOL includes everyone!  Bring your baby. Bring your mom. Bring your crazy cousin who wears his pants backwards. Your registration is for your whole family and you should never feel that anyone should stay home.  We accept with open arms members of all walks of life, races, religions, nationalities, and abilities and are a proud LGBTQIA+ affirming community. 

If any of this offends you, then we are not the right fit.


Is this a drop off?

No. You are required to stay with your child(ren).  You do not have to attend each class unless requested by the instructor so feel free to enjoy the time with your other children if you like.  If you ever have to go off site you are able to arrange placement of your child(ren) in the care of another parent, but must confirm this at the front desk and return prior to dismissal.


Is this a school?

No, we are a homeschool community providing interest based learning opportunities and support for homeschooling parents and school aged students.  We provide the infrastructure to connect teachers of all kinds to offer classes to homeschooled children in our community. We do not subscribe to any one style of learning or instruction, nor do we provide curriculum. We flourish through parent volunteerism and pride ourselves on being an active and engaged community of students, parents, and instructors. We aim to provide a space for socialization and specialized learning complementary to all styles of education and homeschooling methods, including unschooling. You can think of the classes you take with us as extracurriculars.


What Can I Expect at Meet & Greet?

There will be an Open House Meet & Greet prior to each semester where you can come and check out the classes and meet our community. Our Open House is held after classes are listed and about two weeks before each semester begins.  You can expect booths and demonstrations for many of the classes you may be interested in as well as members of admin on site to answer any questions you may have. This is a great way to determine which classes are a good fit for your family.  This is also a great time to connect with other families as we get excited to be back together for the upcoming semester.  You are free to come and go at any time; however, families often stay all day just to enjoy the socialization! Our event is typically planned to include displays 10am-12pm and an Ice Cream Social and Admin Address 12pm-1pm.


When do I register?

As a rule, each semester will start after public school start dates (Fall in September and Spring in February). Family pre-registrations happen first. That is the $25 you pay to LOL to belong.  Our classes will be listed on the website before the Meet & Greet which happens a few weeks before semester start. you sign up for classes on the registration date provided which is typically the Sunday after Meet & Greet.

To keep up with registration dates and information, you can check the Semester Dates on our website or join our main Facebook Page where we will post updates regarding these dates and more.). 


How Do We Register and/or Sign up for Classes?

This is a Multi-step process.  Note: You must register to belong even if you are not taking classes.


1. Pre-Registration

Our Pre-registration is currently $25 per family and must be received before you are able to enroll in classes.

Pre-Register your family by visiting our FAMILY REGISTRATION FORM. Complete for all members of your family attending LOL even if they do not intent to take class.

You will choose either PayPal, Zelle ([email protected]m), or cash/check for your payment. If choosing cash/check, you may bring your payment to admin at Meet & Greet or mail it to Love of Learning Families Inc. at 5617 97th Way North, St. Pete, FL 33708.


2. Complete Family Profile in Jumbula

Once you are pre-registered, you must then complete your family’s profile. This is where you add each of your children whether they are taking classes or not. This only has to be done the first time you sign up with Jumbula. Your profile will be saved for future semesters.  

For first timers: You must complete your family profile ahead in order to be able to sign up for classes on registration day.  It will save you time (and potentially missing out on full classes) to have it done ahead. 

Returning Families: We recommend those returning to Jumbula log in and check their profiles for accuracy. Please do not create a new profile! Log in with your password (there is also an option to recover your password).

Once your profile is complete, It is now time to look over the classes and get an idea of what you may be interested in. You may also plan to get further information at our Meet & Greet.


3. Signing Up For Your Classes

Once your family registration is complete, fees received, and Jumbula profile complete; you will be ready to sign up for classes. You will be sent a class registration password at the email address you provided in your Family Registration. Our class registration goes live at 10 am the Sunday after Meet & Greet. 


On Registration Day: You will scroll down to “Multi-Class Registration” in order to be able to select multiple classes for multiple students. Once you see the classes listed, you click the check boxes for the desired classes for your first student (each student is done separately). Please click carefully. If you click on the name of the class and not on the check box it will send you back to start again.

Once one child’s classes are entered and in your cart, scroll back up and “Select classes for another participant.” It will take you back to the home page and you scroll down to “Multiclass Registration” again and complete the same steps for each student. Once all classes are selected for all students, you can check out. 


4. Paying for Classes

Payments are made directly to teachers.

Take note of class fees, who payment should be made to, and how they would like to be paid.  You will follow their instructions for payment.  and complete teachers payments separately outside of our system. 


Payments are due in full the first week of class!


How many classes should I take?

You may take as many or as few classes as you like. Many families choose not to fill every slot because they so enjoy all the free time together.  If your registration is paid, you may attend even if you are not taking any classes in the current semester.


What If The Class I Want Is Full?

If a class you try signing up for is full, the system will allow you to get on the waiting list automatically.  It will admit students to the class on a first come first serve basis, so go ahead and do it right away.  Often we can accommodate waitlists and just need to check back in with the teacher first. They can sign up for another class while awaiting waitlist.


What If My Child Does Not Meet Age Requirements For A Class?

If your child does not meet age requirements for a class, please reach out to the teacher.  The system will not registration if your child’s birthdate puts them out of range, but in most cases our teachers are flexible and think it’s up to you and your student to know what they’re best suited for. If the instructor agrees, just change the child’s birthdate in the system to register and you can always change it back.


What about Drop/Adds?

Drops must be done by Day 1 Week 1 of class. We understand that sometimes a class just isn’t the right fit, but if you are going to come to Week 2, your teacher must receive payment for the class on Week 1. Also please notify your teacher if you plan on dropping so they know they have a roster spot available for another student.

Steps to Process a Drop: Contact [email protected]. We are working on a way to have you be able to drop from your profile, but for now we will process the Drops ourselves.


Communication - How do I join the Facebook page? Why is there more than one page?

You can find our main Facebook page by searching “LOL Families” (or clicking hereLoveoflearningfamilies) and requesting to join. This page is public and is where we post basic information and reminders about upcoming registration and other pertinent information.  

Once you register for a semester, though, you will receive additional access to a secret page which is limited to families enrolled in the current semester and is very active.  You will want to follow this private page once invited as much of our teacher and co-op communication happens here. You must submit the name of a currently enrolled student in the form to be approved.

Please note: We also have a text alert system for emergencies.


What if I miss a week or go on vacation?

LOL Families does not guarantee refunds on registration fees or class payments if you miss a week or weeks due to illness, injury, vacation, etc.  Our classes are already priced appropriately and to allow for unforeseen absence. We offer a few make up days during the semester which teachers may use.

Note: Since your payment is made directly to the instructor, you may approach your instructor directly to work out special payment arrangements if you know you will only be attending a partial semester.


What if a semester has already begun? Can I still attend?

Yes, most likely. If you pay your registration you may join the semester late and work out payment with any instructors that have room in their classes.  The best course of action would be to contact a member of administration to see if arrangements can be made depending on your situation.


How do I apply to teach a class at LOL Families?

We need you! Yes, you!! Apply to teach or reach out to those you know have some great content. We are always looking to enhance and grow our class offerings. We do require background checks (or proof of current background check status/teaching certificate) for all our teachers (which we provide via our Teacher Registration. Please reach out to Admin Melissa Hanna if you or someone you know would like to teach with us. Our teacher registration forms and class submission forms are available on our website as well.


Do we fly our freak flag?

Oh Yeah Baby! Loud and Proud!

We want our children to be surrounded by all the beautiful members of our human community. We believe that our lives are enriched greatly by diversity as it adds to the beautiful tapestry of life and our experience at LOL.  We have created a beautiful, loving, inclusive community and hope you find it to be the home we intend it to be for you.  100% inclusion!

Again, as a no tolerance campus, we have a zero tolerance policy against bullying, harassment, discrimination, and violence.  Any members who cannot follow these guidelines will be asked to find a different community as we strive to ensure that each and every member feels included (including you)! Please review our policies on bullying and harassment.



a 501c3 organization